CPS4EU – article Groupe LinkedIn n°16
News from the CPS4EU project – Embedded World Congress in Nuremberg – 21-23/6/2022

CPS4EU will have a booth at the Embedded World Congress in Nuremberg from June 21st to June 23rd, 2022. Bernhard Bauer and Noel Hageman from University of Augsburg and Philippe Gougeon from Valeo will welcome the visitors and highlight the prototypes and use cases developed in CPS4EU. Come to see us in Hall 4-452 !
Several other CPS4EU project partners will have their own booths:
emmtrix: Hall 4-370, ProvenRun Hall 4-180, and Thales Hall 3A-211.
And please check out our Website 👉: www.cps4eu.eu