Urban automated driving

[Focus Area]: Prototype [Type]: Hardware, Software, System [TRL Level]: 6 [Linked WPs]: 3, 5, 6 [Linked PIARCHs]: A3P, A3L
[Innovation areas]: 360° vision and scanning, data fusion, ultra-precise localization, interpretation of driving situation, human-machine interface
[Potential vertical/horizontal markets]: Automotive, New mobility [Potential market entry]: S2 2023 [Re-engineering effort]: 24-48 MM
Demonstration of Urban Automated Driving on open road in Creteil Pointe-du-lac area, using CPS4EU demo car (WP7) including localization “UC2” and AI based perception “UC1” (WP3).
Main features are:
– protected (traffic lights) intersection
– unprotected (priority, yield) intersection
– pedestrian crossing (protected and unprotected)
– overtake (respect to road regulation and slower/parked road users)
– offset in path (static obstacle on lane)