CPS4EU – project partner in the spotlight – Sequans Communications

Sequans Communications S.A. (NYSE: SQNS) is a leading developer and provider of 5G and 4G chips and modules for IoT devices. For 5G/4G massive IoT applications, Sequans provides a comprehensive product portfolio based on its flagship Monarch LTE-M/NB-IoT and Calliope Cat 1 chip platforms, featuring industry-leading low power consumption, a large set of integrated functionalities, and global deployment capability. For 5G/4G broadband and critical IoT applications, Sequans offers a product portfolio based on its Cassiopeia 4G Cat 4/Cat 6 and high-end Taurus 5G chip platforms, optimized for low-cost residential, enterprise, and industrial applications.
Sequans was established in 2003, in Paris, France. Nowadays Sequans has around 240 employees, all over the world, with R&D mostly in France and Europe.
See www.sequans.com
Business Activity
Sequans provides 4G and 5G Chips, Modules, and Development Platforms for IoT Device Makers Worldwide. Sequans empowers various end-user cellular devices from CPE (Customer Premises Equipments), Mifi (Mobile Wi-fi hotspot), trackers, meters and also… planes. Indeed, in addition to its two traditional markets: low power wide area cellular IoT and broadband LTE, Sequans provides custom technology solutions to its customers in several vertical markets, including public safety, aviation, government, and transportation.
With more than fifteen years of experience in 4G and 5G semiconductor solutions with seven generations of technology developed and commercially deployed and millions of chips and modules deployed worldwide, Sequans is a leader in the industry and intends to continue its growth, leveraging the deployment of 4G and 5G public and private networks towards a connected and digital life.
Sequans provides embedded solutions to wirelessly connect Physical objects to the Cyber world. It was indeed natural to be part of Cyber-Physical Systems for Europe – CPS4EU project.
Sequans brings to the project its expertise of the device side and wireless technology. Sequans is actually leading WP2, the work-package in charge of connectivity aspects with two major objectives:
- deliver state of the art communication modules as building block of the pre-integrated architecture platforms of WP6, that could then serve the various vertical segments (automotive, energy, industry automation) having diverse requirements
- prepare the evolution of communication standards, with a particular focus on ultra reliable and low latency communication and time sensitive networking
Contributing to CPS4EU represents a great opportunity for Sequans to learn specific requirements and expectations from leading vertical industrial players of various sectors: automotive, industry automation, smart grid. Moreover, CPS4EU is a platform to improve visibility – and hopefully – market share in Europe. At last, CPS4EU provides a unique place to meet best in class academic partners and be exposed to most recent and promising technology trends.
Company contact:
Sequans Communications, www.sequans.com
Guillaume Vivier, gvivier@sequans.com