
The project management structure- has been designed to deal with the complexity and scale of the CPS4EU project. The Project Management Team (PMT) is responsible for the daily operation of the project, taking and implementing appropriate decisions. The overall management responsibilities are summarized in the table below.

Role Name Organization
Project Manager Philippe Gougeon Valeo
Project Coordination Manager Thomas Arvieu 2IA Consulting
Technical & Innovation Project Manager Etienne HamelinCEA
Business Opportunity and Outcome Manager Philippe Gougeon Valeo
WP1 Leader Chiara SandionigiCEA
WP2 Leader David ChoukrounSEQ
WP3 Leader Kévin NguyenVALEO
WP4 Leader Guillaume Giraud RTE
WP5 Leader Reda Nouacer CEA
WP6 Leader Eric DujardinTRT-FR
WP7 Leader Sarah CrosVALEO
WP8 Leader Nicolo RebellaLDO
WP9 Leader Guillaume Giraud RTE
WP10 Leader Philippe GougeonValeo