The CPS4EU consortium is composed of 36 members including large groups, medium enterprises, SMEs, Universities and RTOs from 5 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Hungary).

VALEO Comfort and Driving Assistance [Project Coordinator]
Valeo is an automotive supplier, partner to all automakers worldwide. As a technology company, Valeo proposes innovative products and systems that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the development of Intuitive Driving. In 2017, the Group generated invested over 10% of its original equipment sales in research and development. Valeo has 184 plants, 55 research & development centers and 15 distribution platforms, and employs 111,800 people in 33 countries worldwide.

ACOEM is a French medium size group of 670 persons with a strong international activity in environmental and industrial monitoring. The French entity of 260 employees is, with its 01dB and METRAVIB product ranges, a long term world class player on environmental noise monitoring with excellence in high quality, standards and regulations compliant measuring instruments and gunshot detection devices for military application with unequaled algorithms for high resolution acoustic localization and threats recognition.

Airlane Technologies has been founded in 2005 by Sami & Wael Chahrour, 2 twin brothers passionate about hardware and software solutions, which own 90% of the company. It really took off after being specialized in intelligent motor control solutions for power tools manufacturers. Airlane Technologies is primarily focusing on machine smart monitoring via its solution.

ANSYS France SAS and ESTEREL Technologies are a subsidiaries of the American company ANSYS Inc, the worldwide leader in engineering simulation market. ANSYS is the leading engineering simulation software developer based in 40 countries across the world employing more than 3,000 employees. Created in 1970, we are exclusively focusing on the development of engineering simulation software covering all necessary physics such as fluid, structure, electromagnetic, acoustic and optics. ANSYS complete its portfolio by providing full system and software modeling capabilities. The company primarily grew in the Nuclear, aeronautic and automotive industries more mature with the large-scale adoption of engineering simulation across the product development process.

Arcure, developer of solutions for enhancing the autonomy of industrial machinery, was founded in 2009 by Franck GAYRAUD and Patrick MANSUY, two engineers from the aerospace and defense sectors, who realized how to transform a unique technology into a product – the Blaxtair – adapted to the needs of their first partner-clients: INRS, Colas, Vinci. Arcure’s expertise is crucial for the robotics of the future, constantly striving to be more autonomous and synergistic. A key player in smart manufacturing, Arcure is today well-positioned as a leader of intelligent sensors that enhance the autonomy of industrial vehicles, thereby enabling men and robots to work together efficiently.

CNRS : France’s National Center for Scientific Research is a public research institution under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. A pluridisciplinary organization, it covers all scientific disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences, biological sciences, nuclear and particle physics, information sciences, engineering and systems, physics, mathematical sciences, chemistry, Earth sciences and astronomy, ecology and the environment. An interdisciplinary body, it promotes research at the interface between disciplines. Each year, the CNRS awards its Gold Medal, the highest scientific distinction in France. Since 2011, the CNRS Medal of Innovation has been rewarding outstanding research in the technological, therapeutic, economic and social fields. Arcure, developer of solutions for enhancing the autonomy of industrial machinery, was founded in 2009 by Franck GAYRAUD and Patrick MANSUY, two engineers from the aerospace and defense sectors, who realized how to transform a unique technology into a product – the Blaxtair – adapted to the needs of their first partner-clients: INRS, Colas, Vinci. Arcure’s expertise is crucial for the robotics of the future, constantly striving to be more autonomous and synergistic. A key player in smart manufacturing, Arcure is today well-positioned as a leader of intelligent sensors that enhance the autonomy of industrial vehicles, thereby enabling men and robots to work together efficiently.

CEA is a French Research and Technology Organisation, with more than 16 000 staff members, focusing on low-carbon energies, defense and global security, information technologies and health technologies, as well as fundamental research. CEA Tech division (DRT) including two Institutes involved in the CPS4EU project, CEA LETI and CEA LIST, is active in the development of architecture of processors, system integration, cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence hardware and software.

Embedded France is the non-profit association joining French representatives of software and embedded system actors. It brings together industries and professional federations from the digital world, academic and technology partners as well as competitiveness clusters. Embedded France is recognized by public authorities as one of the major actors that contribute to the competitiveness of the French Electronic Industry sector through its participation to the Strategic Council in the frame of the « Conseil National de l’Industrie ». CEA is a French Research and Technology Organisation, with more than 16 000 staff members, focusing on low-carbon energies, defense and global security, information technologies and health technologies, as well as fundamental research. CEA Tech division (DRT) including two Institutes involved in the CPS4EU project, CEA LETI and CEA LIST, is active in the development of architecture of processors, system integration, cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence hardware and software.

GWT is an SME developing and selling ultra-low power IoT multicore application processors for AI computing at the very edge. Those are integrated, hierarchical and parallel architecture based on an extended RISC-V instruction set architecture augmented with an embedded hardware accelerator for convolutive neural networks. Engineering samples of its first product GAP8 is already available. GWT will contribute to the project the GAP8 platform and tools to enable powerful neuromorphic computing to the battery powered connected devices.

GlobalSensing Technologies (GST) is a company whose activities are Engineering and Publishing Intelligent Recognition Solutions. Its know-how is the meeting of three areas of expertise: Signal & Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Electronics. The application cases covered by GST are the detection and visual identification of objects. This concerns more particularly intelligent video surveillance as well as predictive maintenance (in the industrial world and in transport). For these two areas of application, it is necessary to respect the constraints of relevance in the recognition, real-time calculation and reduced power consumption (embedded aspect).

Inria, is a public institution with a scientific and technological character, depending from both ministeries of research and of industry, and has a vocation to perform fundamental and applied research in the scientific and technological domains of information and communication technologies. The institute also ensures a string technological transfer, by giving high attention to the teaching and advising through research, to the spreading of scientific and technical information, to valorizing and expertise, and to the participation in international programs. Inria hosts, in its 8 research centers situated in Paris, Rennes, Sophia Antipolis, Grenoble, Nancy, Bordeaux, Lille and Saclay et at other sites in Paris, Marseille, Lyon et Metz, 4 500 persons, out of which 3 500 scientific from Inria and partner organisations (CNRS, universities, engineering schools)

The association JESSICA FRANCE was created by the CEA and Bpifrance to implement the CAP’TRONIC program. The goal of the CAP’TRONIC program is to help French SMEs improve their competitive edge by integrating embedded software and electronics in their products. In 2017, the program helped 3,500 SMEs increase their market share by leveraging such technology. CAP’TRONIC counts on 24 engineers specialized in embedded software and electronics. These specialists provide neutral expertise to adapt projects according to the needs of companies and the market. As a result, this enables companies to quickly find realistic and cost-effective technological solutions.

Kalray is a fabless semiconductor and software provider for high performance embedded systems. Founded in 2008, Kalray has about 70 employees (50 of which in R&D) and 4 offices worldwide in Grenoble and Paris (France), Los Altos (CA, USA) and Tokyo (Japan). Kalray products include: the MPPA®-256 manycore processors, architected as 16 clusters composed of 16 VLIW cores each, with clusters interconnected by a high speed network on chip; a suite of associated application development tools, run-time libraries and operating systems; and application and reference design boards based on the MPPA® manycore processors.

The M3 Systems company is a Simplified Joint Stock Company owned at 100% by the MISTRAL Group, whose Shareholders are Marc POLLINA and Patricia HOURQUET. The MISTRAL Group is an SME, the total headcount being 45 employees. The company is organized in 3 Business Units: Radio-Navigation Studies, Test & Measures, Receivers and Embedded Systems, Since its creation the M3 Systems company has developed its expertise in 3 domains: Critical geolocation and Signal Processing (GNSS), Software Defined Radio development (SDR), Definition and study of innovative concepts in the Air Traffic Control (ATM).

Prove & Run’s mission is to help our customers resolve the security challenges linked to the deployment of connected devices and of the Internet of Things. Prove & Run is a rapidly growing software company founded by Dominique Bolignano in 2009. It is independent, financially secure, and has its headquarters in Paris, France. Prove & Run’s main competencies are in Security and Architecture, Operating Systems, Formal Methods and Security Certification. For each of those competencies, we have industry-recognized experts backed up by years of experience in the digital security market, in particular in the smart card and the mobile security industries. Prove & Run commercializes cost effective, highly secured, off-the-shelf TEE and hypervisors that dramatically improve the level of security of connected systems.

RTE is the French Transmission System Operator (TSO) in charge of the operation, the maintenance and the development of the high and very high voltage grid (100 000km from 63 to 400kV), and managing the interconnection lines with other European countries. It is a company of about 8500 people and the largest TSO in Europe. Our roles and missions go way beyond the implicit meaning of the term “power transmission”. At the heart of the power system, we are responsible for keeping the balance between supply and demand. By ensuring that we have the ability to fulfil this role on a daily basis, we provide our customers with economical, reliable and clean access to power supply.

Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation. With revenues of ~€25 billion in FY2016, our 144,000+ employees serve customers in over 100 countries, helping them to manage their energy and process in ways that are safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable. From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations. Our connected technologies reshape industries, transform cities and enrich lives.

Sequans Communications is a leading developer and supplier of single-mode LTE chipset solutions that are highly cost and power efficient. Sequans was founded in 2003 to address the WiMAX market where it became the de facto leader in WiMAX chips, and in 2009 turned to address the LTE market, where today its LTE chips are powering many new single-mode LTE devices, including tablets, routers, and M2M solutions. Sequans is one of the most experienced pure-play 4G technology companies in the world, and one leader in providing cellular IoT (Cat-M, Nb-IOT) solutions for the devices. Sequans is based in Paris, with additional offices throughout the world, including USA, United Kingdom, Israel, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, China and Taiwan.

Sherpa Engineering, an innovative SME (95 persons), is a System Engineering Company specialized in modelling and control system design that works mainly in the automotive (60%) and the aerospace domains (20%). The company provides a tool-based methodology for the design, the evaluation and the validation of complex cyber-physical systems (CPS). In automotive and road transportation, Sherpa Engineering works mainly in the energy management domain (hybridization, climatization, thermal synthesis) and for the autonomous vehicles and ADAS. Sherpa Engineering also provides control engineering services in the energy domain (EDF, ENGIE, GE) and for circular systems like smart districts. Since 1997, we work with ESA on the design of the life support system for a long duration mission.

SYSNAV SAS is a French company founded in 2008 by former members of the inertial navigation team of the Ministry of Defense.SYSNAV today is recognized as the reference layer for: indoor navigation without infrastructure, outdoor navigation with GPs outages mitigation for extended periods of time SYSNAV is serving several different markets: Medical: clinical trials and assisted surgery; Consumer electronics: UAVs; Security: vehicle tracking for industry and law enforcement; Automotive: autonomous driving; Public safety: mobile speed camera operations.
SYSNAV unique magneto-inertial technology is covered by over 25 patents. It relies on the interpretation of local magnetic field variations, which help navigation devices reach a level of geolocation performance and integrity that is unique for vehicles in GPS-denied environments. SYSNAV technology relies on commercial MEMS, enabling very attractive price levels.

Thales is a global technology leader for the Defense & Security and the Aerospace & Transportation markets. With its 22,500 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers as local partners. Advanced pre-product research focuses on new technologies, new system and product concepts, and new engineering tools and methods for critical information systems. Thales Research & Technology (TRT) makes a key contribution at this level as an interface between the academic research community, innovative SME and technological usage or developments by Group entities. TRT’s mission is to ensure that advances by its research teams meet the needs of the company’s operations and to develop technology demonstrators and new technologies to expand Thales’s portfolio of products and systems. The design of safety-critical and mission- critical embedded systems taking benefit of the most advanced technologies is a key topic of the TRT’s activities.

University Grenoble Alpes (UGA) was born January 1st, 2016, as a result of a merger of Grenoble‘s three universities: Joseph Fourier University (UJF), Pierre Mendes France University (UPMF) and Stendhal University. UGA is a research-intensive university in an international and high tech environment with 80 laboratories in different disciplines as Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication; Chemistry, Biology, Health; Physics of Particles, Astrophysics, Geosciences, Environment and Ecology; Physics, Engineering, Materials; Legal, Political and Economic Sciences, Territory Sciences, Sociology and Management; Arts, Literature, Languages, Humanities, Cognitive and Social Sciences. UGA is also involved on projects from the “Invest in the Future” programme (Projet Investissement d‘Avenir) with exceptional success: 19 top ranking facilities (Equipex), 22 top ranking laboratories (Labex), 1 IRT (Institut de recherche technologique / Institute of Technological Research) ―Nanoelectronics‖, 1‘IEED (Institut d’excellence pour les énergies décarbonées / Top Ranking Institute for Low-Carbon Energy), and 3 Initiatives of Excellence in Innovative Training (IDEFI – “Invest in the Future” programme). More recently within the PIA (Programme Investissement d‘Avenir) framework UGA has been labelised with the prestigious IDEX (Initiative d‘Excellence) which will provide several millions euros by year of investment within research and innovation.

VSORA is an IP provider for chipmakers designing the latest generations of digital communications systems, like 5G.VSORA’s powerful multi-core DSP architecture eliminates the need for DSP co-processors to provide a level of flexibility achievable only with software programming. A new DSP development flow allows signal processing engineers and software engineers to share the same environment and source code, dramatically accelerating time-to-market. VSORA’s mission is to meet the technical challenges by providing a state-of- the-art DSP design process and boosting the DSP computing power while simultaneously optimizing power consumption and system performance, and reducing the silicon footprint. Based in France, the company was founded in 2015 by a team of highly qualified and accomplished DSP engineers with combined experience of more than 70 years.

Vicomtech is an applied research centre for Interactive Computer Graphics and Multimedia located in San Sebastian (Spain). It is a non-profit association, founded in 2001 as a joint venture by the INI-GraphicsNet Foundation and the EiTB Broadcasting Group.. Among its 120 employees, more than 85 are researchers. The role of Vicomtech in the market is to supply society with technology by transfer of primary research to industry. This is done through collaborative R&D projects. Vicomtech’s main research lines lay in the fields of computer vision, artificial intelligence, computer graphics and interaction; technologies which Vicomtech applies in multiple sectors.

ITIas a Spanish Private Research & Technology Organization, is a Competence Centre in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), established in 1994 by a joint initiative of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), and a group of companies in the ICT sector.
ITI Research and Innovation activity is developed by a team of more than 150 technologists (researchers and technicians), and is focused on 6 main digital enablers (see figure). With a combination of all these enablers, ITI is providing solutions to different domains: a) IT industry, b) Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), c) Society (Health 4.0, Tourism, Cities, and Buildings), d) Transport and e) Agriculture 4.0.

ACS plus GmbH is a young company focused on application and development of data science and machine learning solutions and products. In close cooperation with industry clients, acs plus develops task specific solutions from data advisory to sophisticated data products. Its core competencies lie in the field of statistics and machine learning. In previous projects acs plus successfully implemented data analytics pipelines to establish automated object detection and identification in a production environment.

EMX is a spin-off from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the European project ALMA. emmtrix provides software development tools for semi-automatic parallelization of applications. Its product range includes tools for C code generation from model-based environments like MATLAB®/Simulink and C source-to-source parallelization tools. Besides the tools, emmtrix also offers software development services in the embedded systems domain.
The core competences of emmtrix are in the areas of embedded software development, automatic C code generation, code optimization (w.r.t. performance, power consumption, latency …), parallelization, model- based development and programming heterogeneous hardware systems. emmtrix was nominated for the 2018 “Embedded Award” for the category ‘Tools’, Product of the Year 2018 reader’s choice award for the category ‘Development Software’ and were runner-up at the Cyberchampion award 2016.

TUC (Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal University of Technoloy) is an internationally renowned higher-education and research institution with about 4,600 students and about 1,050 employees. TUC was founded in 1775. It has three campuses in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Goslar and Celle, all located in the State of Lower Saxony, Germany. Research and education at TUC focusses on the following areas: Sustainable Energy Systems, Raw Materials Supply and Resource Efficiency, Innovative Materials and Processes, and Open Cyber-Physical Systems and Simulation. The Open Cyber-Physical Systems and Simulation research focus area concentrates on the opportunities and problems posed by the ever-increasing interconnectedness of everyday objects and machines. Research is driven by the challenge of how cyber-physical systems can be designed in such a way that they can be flexibly adjusted to changed requirements in future.

TRUMPF offers production solutions in the machine tool and laser sectors. The company is driving digital connectivity in manufacturing industry through consulting, platform and software offers. TRUMPF is the world technological and market leader for machine tools used in flexible sheet metal processing, and for industrial lasers. With more than 12,000 employees, the company generated sales in the 2016/17 fiscal year of €3.11 billion. The company’s development ratio of over 10 percent and its long-term approach, characteristic of an independent, family-owned business, make it a guarantor of continuous innovative strength.

The University of Augsburg was founded in 1970. It is one of the new, modern universities in Bavaria with approximately 20,000 students. It attracts students from far beyond its immediate catchment area. About 20% of the German students come from outside Bavaria, and at 14% its share of foreign students is larger than at comparable universities. Research projects have resulted in close links between the University of Augsburg and numerous partners include a number of leading German, European and international technological companies, such as Fujitsu Siemens, Airbus, KUKA, MAN and the international paper group, UPM Kymmene in Augsburg as well as close collaborations with Munich enterprises. Seven faculties have been established, each with long-term strategies for development and using the most up- to-date facilities available: Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (founded 1970), Faculty of Law (founded 1971), Faculty of Theology (founded 1971), Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences (founded 1972), Faculty of Philology and History (founded 1972), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (founded 1981) and Faculty of Applied Computer Science (founded 2003).

WIKA Mobile Control, a company of the WIKA Group, specializes in developing and supplying safety systems for load moment indication and overload protection in mobile machines used in rough environments. For 50 years, its experienced team of experts has been working hard to ensure smooth communication between humans and machines. The focus is on maximizing reliability, functionality, quality and safety. Product and system solutions are developed, optimized and produced by a 450-strong workforce at three locations in Germany, the USA and China. They comprise robust sensors for measuring force, angles, pressure and length as well as mobile controllers and consoles. WIKA Mobile Control attaches great importance to ensuring that its components and solutions flexibly meet the full range of safety requirements and comply with tomorrow’s generally valid standards today.

EUROTECH Group is an international company that operates in the areas of research, development and commercialization of solutions for the CPSs, Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine and cloud computing. The company is based in Italy and located mainly in Europe, Japan and USA, with an important presence in several markets: industrial, aerospace and defence, transportation and logistics, medical, security and scientific research. EUROTECH has more than 20 years of experience in the area of embedded systems design, manufacturing and commercialization. The core business of the company started in 1992, with the design of the first PC104 embedded computer. EUROTECH has been one of the pioneer companies in the study of technologies related to smart objects and smart environments, the early concepts that generated the IoT: Today, the core business of the company if focused on the evolution of embedded systems, pervasive systems, IoT and cloud computing concepts. In these domains, EUROTECH is a leading provider of M2M integration platforms and IoT solutions, and collaborates with the most important market players, including Red Hat, Eclipse, Intel, Hitachi and Sierra Wireless. EUROTECH business model is driven by innovation and is strongly based on research: the company counts about 450 people, more than half of which are involved in research and engineering activities. EUROTECH controls 9 international companies and a research centre, ETH Lab, which is responsible for the research activities in key high-growth sectors like IoT, CPSs, pervasive and cloud computing.

Leonardo is a global player in the high-tech sectors and a major operator worldwide in the Aerospace, Defence and Security sectors. Leonardo is based in Italy, has more than 47,000 employees (latest update 11/30/2015), of whom about 37% abroad. Based on the dual application of technologies, Leonardo designs and creates products, systems, services and integrated solutions both for the defence sector and for public and private customers of the civil sector, both in Italy and abroad. The wide range of defence and security solutions that Leonardo offers Governments, private citizens and Institutions includes every possible intervention scenario: airborne and terrestrial, naval and maritime, space and cyberspace. In close contact with local customers and partners, Leonardo works every day to strengthen global security, provide essential physical protection and cybersecurity services for people, territories and infrastructure networks and supports scientific and technological research.

The University of Salerno (UNISA) was founded in 1944 and became a state university in 1968. During the years, with the addition of new faculties and the rapid growing number of students, it has become one of the major Italian universities. It offers a number of double-degrees with partner institutions from around the world and a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate English courses. The university currently has around 15 departments, about 40 thousands students (1% coming from foreign countries) and a thousand of teachers and research staff. According to Times Higher Education, UNISA has gained 69th and 151th positions in the Young University Rankings and The World University Rankings, respectively.

BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) is one of the leading technical universities of Central Europe. Its historical excellence is demonstrated with the numerous Nobel Prize holders of former graduates of BME. The Department of Electron Devices deals with all aspects of microelectronics, from semiconductor physics through device manufacturing to system level design. The multi physics knowledge of the researchers is exploited by their work in a number of European projects, exploited also in recent H2020 projects such as EuroCPS or Delphi4LED. A special field of research is related to thermal issues of electronic systems and solid-state light sources, exploited in multiple dozens of European and national R&D projects (including the aforementioned ones).

Spinsplit is a developer and manufacturer of modular, versatile flow chemistry systems. Providing network interface for each component, the systems can be scaled up easily on demand of new process steps and increased product output. Flow chemistry software SpinStudio provides an integrated development environment from laboratory to manufacturing scale process development. Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) start-up company Spinsplit LLC was founded in 2016. Spinsplit addresses the challenges of Pharma 4.0 – the interconnected chemical instruments for research and manufacturing. Unlike traditional batch chemistry methods in drug industry which are fundamentally inflexible and rather serve the ‘one pill for all’ approach, advances of interconnected and modular flow systems provide fast, reliable and economical scaling up from laboratory to production scale therefore opening the way towards personalized medicine and tailor made drugs.